Women, who have become a victims of domestic violence no longer feel safe at home, are afraid and in need of intensive support, depend on quick help. In the women's and children's shelter they find a protected environment and intensive care after often traumatizing incidents.
Women and children in urgent emergency situations need immediate protection and must be given shelter also in the evenings, in the night and during the weekends. As part of the on-call duty you will receive calls from the women themselves as well as the police, youth welfare office or counselling centers. It's your job to meet with the women, show them the house and introduce them to the other residents. You will also be contacted in case of technical problems, psycho-social crises or medical emergencies.
As a volunteer in the women's and children's shelter you receive a qualified training and support. A background service is ensured at the first missions. In addition, conversations with the full-time employees are possible on a flexible basis as agreed, as is a regular exchange of experience with other volunteers. Upon request, you will receive a certificate of your commitment. On-call duty can be approved as a practical training during academic studies.
Are you interested in supporting our team? Or do you have other ideas which could be interesting for the women's and children's shelter?
Head of women's and children's shelter
Phone: 0049 2594 86854
Head of women's and children's shelter
Phone: 0049 2594 89349-15
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