The women's and children's shelter accepts all women, with or without children, seeking protection against threats or abuse, regardless of their religious beliefs, nationality or regional origin.
The women's and children's shelter can be reached any time during the day or night. Around the clock admission is possible and is accepted at the request of the woman only.
The physical address of the shelter is not and will not be publicised. To protect the women and the children, safety precautions are taken.
The anonymity of the women and children living at the shelter is secured towards the outside. All details provided by the women, such as particulars or the content of counselling sessions, will be treated confidentially. Information is forwarded only in agreement with the women.
The work by the staff at the women's and children's shelter is unequivocal. The needs, interests and right of self-determination of the women and children take priority.
At the women's and children's shelter, every woman is independently responsible for herself and her children. The women provide for themselves and their children.
Skilled, qualified employees work at the women's and children's shelter. With the women, they work out individual possibilities of action and decision-making. The employees work according to the principle of offering help to the women in order for them to be able to help themselves.
The stay at the women's and children's shelter is limited in time. The duration of the stay depends on the individual need for help.
The shelter community life is organised and regulated by the employees and the residents. To improve orientation, rules that regard the shelter community are detailed in the House Rules.
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